
"I well remember the early Television Workshops and still display like Roy Melford who is Manager in Auckland, one of the early Greer Twiss statuettes which were awarded. Greer Twiss by the way has since gone on to become an internationally recognised sculptor."

Allan W. Martin, Director-General, Television New Zealand,
in a letter to NZ TV Workshop founder Clive Court (June 1983)


This website will evolve over the next few years as more contributions come in.  It has been designed to capture the spirit of what was to become, if only for a short time, one of the world's first TV public access groups. Fifty years later this concept is now commonplace and takes various forms.  But in the early 60s, television production equipment was very expensive and not really available for public use---so it was very difficult to get your ideas past the gatekeepers who controlled the public airwaves.

We are inviting any former members of the NZ TV Workshop--and anyone who was interested or involved in TV production at that time to send in their memories, anecdotes, photographs, clippings, and related experiences via email or Facebook.  Any materials sent by regular mail will be copied and returned.

Are you a former member of the NZTV Workshop?

We've love to hear from you!
Please contact us.

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